Kia ora bloggers, This week we have been learning Science it is so fun and awesome.
in the first Experience we did a fizz chip (Solid) with water and oil (Liquid) Making gas.
In the second experiment we learned how fireworks work and we saw how a firework usually is halo with nothing inside.
It was so cool to see also we saw how when you put a box above it like a little one. It sucks all the oxygen in the box but cant get more oxygen since it cant get the outside air so it blows away, but if we leave it in the open it can take all the air since theres no limit of space for it.
In the last experiment about fireworks we saw how if we mix the flame with some chemicals and water it changes into a different color. thats what they use in fireworks cause the fireworks have the chemicals inside and they blow up in the sky with the chemicals bursting out with color also for a fire you need heat, air and fuel.
Question: Do you think that Science is fun? have you ever done Science?